Why this project?
While observing the present world we can notice a lot of danger for the young’s development.
According to us the main reasons for the situation is a great dynamic in the changing world, mixed up
values, and also bad conditions of living and work. In the times of total destruction of the idea of
authority, a hero has gained a pejorative meaning. A hero is often someone on the opposite side.
Therefore, a real heroic behaviour is often understood as a sign of weakness and nothing to be proud
of.The young without a hero lack a meaningful source of inspiration. Being influenced by bad
advisors they lose their inner power and creativity. At present students hardly ever find their heroes.
That is why we have created our partnership to challenge the problem and change our schools. Due
to the project I am my life hero we want to make our pupils notice how important it is to take good
choices, find the strength and motivation to fight their weakness, ask for help and offer it to those who
are in the lower position. Let the word hero be filled with better meaning and inspire students to
change their lifestyles. During the project actions we intend to raise the students', relatives' and
communities' awareness of good lifestyle, which will lead to self development. We'd like to offer
activities which develop a positive identification as a hero and various learning styles and show
everyone how the cooperation is valuable and important in life.Having analysed the school surveys
about weak points, we noticed a common problem. What we want to solve is a weak activeness in
the school field and a low level of motivation.Pupils are rather passive receivers who have to
accomplish tasks. No school is able to work well without students' involvement. We would like our
students to become creative and responsible for what happens at school and show them that their
interests are crucial. An active student knows values and notices the importance of gaining the
knowledge. Active cooperation and undertaking tasks in our cross border cooperation will let all be
inspired and and develop good means of education. We have planned similar events which are to be
held at the partners' schools. Due to our common actions, we will be able to make our partner
schools a united European area of education where we compare, exchange, support and broaden
teaching methods.These events are called Weeks.They focus on specific subjects chosen according
to the partner schools’ curricula. We want to share with each other during the Weeks of National
Hero, transnational visits named Health Hero in Cyprus, Sports Hero in Italy, Team Hero in Spain
and the final Smart Hero in Poland. We are willing to promote students' achievements in the local,
national and European communities to act individually, locally and achieve global awareness via ICT
and English. We hope motivation will rise not only towards the subjects but also to undertake
responsibility for the future life.
Project Erasmus + Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Something about our schools...
The primary school no 12 was built in 1960s. It is situated in the northern Poland in an urban area with a few factories and about 100 thousand population.For many years we have been cooperating with different institutions in the following areas: tolerance, promoting acqusition of foreign languages and ICT skills as well as caring about environment, sport and health. Facing the problem of drops outs, we've introduced the worshops informing about jobs and self developing.The most important school actions of European dimension are Comenius project Let E Be 2010-2012, Litter Less campaign and Eco Schools, National programs like Teaching how to code and Teaching PE and others of the local area. For 10 years the school has been participating in eTwinning projects supporting ICT and English acqusition.We always try to engage the whole school community, mainly parents and other nearby organisations, local societies, libraries, kindergartens and small business. In the Erasmus team there are 30 teachers directly working over the tasks with 2 groups aged 5-9 and 10-14.There are History and 2 Art teachers, 5 English and 5 Polish teachers.The school coordinator held the role of the coordinator in the Comenius project. Being an English and ICT teacher she will lead the whole project with the help of another English teacher, who will take the role of the coordinator in case of any risk and an ICT one to keep the project dissemination.
The Gymnasium of Konstantinoupoleos is located in Nicosia, the Capital city of Cyprus, at the municipality of Strovolos. It was built in 1989 and it is a small secondary school with 248 students aged 12-15. Public Secondary General Education is provided for students aged 12 to 18 years, through two three-year cycles of courses - High School (Gymnasium) and Lyceum. The two cycles include courses in discrete modules and various extra school activities (clubs, trips, visits etc.) in order to achieve comprehensive and balanced personality development of students. Attendance is free for all classes and compulsory until the age of 15 years. Our Educational system aims to promote and develop a healthy, spiritual and moral personality, creating competent, democratic and law-abiding citizens. The subject of the Gymnasium are common for all students. Extensive analitical programs exist for all subjects. There are 38 hours for all three grades of the Gymnasium. Every school year our school organises around 5 artistic events with themes relevant to the history of the island of Cyprus. During the last 3 years, students of our school prepared and presented an artistic manifestation focusing on the following themes: 2014-2015: The history of Cyprus over the years. 2015-2016: War and Peace. 2016-2017: Love for people, environment and Country.. In the Erasmus team there are teachers: Ms. Kate Hadjipantela, Computer Science teacher, BSc on Computer Science, Mr. Kritonas Neophytou, Design and Technology teacher, BSc on Design and Technology, School coordinator in Erasmus+ project, 2014-2016 TEACHING STRATEGIES, Ms.Maria Demetriou, Home Economics Teacher, Master in Applied Nutrition and Excercise who participated in Erasmus+ Project TRADITIONAL FOOD. We are interested in joining this project because we think that the world is changing, students have lost their sense of belonging and they have no role models. They are rightly passive receivers and they have a low self-esteem. Through this project the students are motivated and are offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with other students coming from different countries. Having a Health hero as a role model, this means that their whole idea regarding nutrition will change. The pupils will have the opportunity to learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle. They will also use their creativity to promote healthy eating.
The Civitella-Torricella Institute is in CIVITELLA DEL TRONTO - TERAMO in ABRUZZO in the centre of Italy, less than 200 km from Rome. Our schools are located in five distinct territorial realities, with diversified environmental and cultural characteristics, although they are all included in the “Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga” National Park. We are also lucky of being close to the Adriatic Sea. Our Institute includes preschools, primary and secondary schools and our students are from 3 to 14. There are 580 pupils with different social and economic backgrounds. The last years we have been working on several European Union Granted Projects via the regional authority and the Ministry of Education like Ambienti Digitali, Atelier Creativi These projects concerned how to build one’s self-esteem and self-confidence; the diversity acceptance and enhancement; the healthy food and lifestyle and sport; the bullying prevention; the English language improvement; the environmental exploration and protection. We have been trying to update our teaching methods and strategies as to increase our students enthusiasm, curiosity and motivation.This is our first experience in participating at an Erasmus+ program and we have never been involved in an eTwinning project. We are really interested in participating at this Erasmus+ project because we wish that our students can leave their microcosm, get in touch with different habits, traditions, ways of life, and start thinking as a European citizen. In addition we are sure that this esperience would represent a great chance of personal development. Our school partneship aims are to offer all the participants an important occasion of coming out from one’s shell and opening their minds while comparating one’s lifestyle with those of our European partners; make our students aware they are able of communicating in many different creative ways; stimulate our student’s motivation to learn and cooperate; strenghten our students’ self-esteem;appreciate the diversity; the town community in our students’ growth process; improve the English language knowledge and ICT competence of all the participants.
State primary and elementary school named Circell is in a village near Barcelona in Spain. We are a little school in a rural area. We have 245 students from 3 to 12 years old and 19 teachers. We work through CLIL methodology in PE and art crafts, and we used the English to workshops about theatre and ICT. Last year we started a program of innovation in Spain about multilingualism. During the past three years, teachers have been retiring and as a consequence new teachers with a bit of experience are working in our school and they have expressed the desire for training and innovate with new methodologies around Europe.Between 2016-17 academic years we started a new innovative project related to multilingualism called Experimental Group of Multilingualism promoted by the Education Department of Catalonia. We are in the second year of this training. We introduce the subject of English for 3- year-olds, reinforcing it with activities such as workshops, drama, art, and outdoor activities in English. We have a radio programme and an English corner where pupils can find a lot of different information and activities. Currently we are doing arts and crafts and PE in English. We do several sessions with 5- 6 graders. Also we do drama workshop in English with 5- 6 grades. We have been engaged in different e-Twinning projects for a long time. With Erasmus+ participation we can strengthen and consolidate our project of civic values, exchanging knowledge with European countries. Moreover, due to the project engagement pupils can increase the linguistic skills and the intercultural competence . We would like to present the good points of team work in the educational field. Also we would like to work on the virtues as a way to speak with our students like a way to motivate themselves and their self-esteem. The Erasmus+ group consists of a logistic management, two coordinators of the webpage, and one of activities, an economic management, a deadline coordinator and a general coordinator.
The primary school no 12 was built in 1960s. It is situated in the northern Poland in an urban area with a few factories and about 100 thousand population.For many years we have been cooperating with different institutions in the following areas: tolerance, promoting acqusition of foreign languages and ICT skills as well as caring about environment, sport and health. Facing the problem of drops outs, we've introduced the worshops informing about jobs and self developing.The most important school actions of European dimension are Comenius project Let E Be 2010-2012, Litter Less campaign and Eco Schools, National programs like Teaching how to code and Teaching PE and others of the local area. For 10 years the school has been participating in eTwinning projects supporting ICT and English acqusition.We always try to engage the whole school community, mainly parents and other nearby organisations, local societies, libraries, kindergartens and small business. In the Erasmus team there are 30 teachers directly working over the tasks with 2 groups aged 5-9 and 10-14.There are History and 2 Art teachers, 5 English and 5 Polish teachers.The school coordinator held the role of the coordinator in the Comenius project. Being an English and ICT teacher she will lead the whole project with the help of another English teacher, who will take the role of the coordinator in case of any risk and an ICT one to keep the project dissemination.
The Gymnasium of Konstantinoupoleos is located in Nicosia, the Capital city of Cyprus, at the municipality of Strovolos. It was built in 1989 and it is a small secondary school with 248 students aged 12-15. Public Secondary General Education is provided for students aged 12 to 18 years, through two three-year cycles of courses - High School (Gymnasium) and Lyceum. The two cycles include courses in discrete modules and various extra school activities (clubs, trips, visits etc.) in order to achieve comprehensive and balanced personality development of students. Attendance is free for all classes and compulsory until the age of 15 years. Our Educational system aims to promote and develop a healthy, spiritual and moral personality, creating competent, democratic and law-abiding citizens. The subject of the Gymnasium are common for all students. Extensive analitical programs exist for all subjects. There are 38 hours for all three grades of the Gymnasium. Every school year our school organises around 5 artistic events with themes relevant to the history of the island of Cyprus. During the last 3 years, students of our school prepared and presented an artistic manifestation focusing on the following themes: 2014-2015: The history of Cyprus over the years. 2015-2016: War and Peace. 2016-2017: Love for people, environment and Country.. In the Erasmus team there are teachers: Ms. Kate Hadjipantela, Computer Science teacher, BSc on Computer Science, Mr. Kritonas Neophytou, Design and Technology teacher, BSc on Design and Technology, School coordinator in Erasmus+ project, 2014-2016 TEACHING STRATEGIES, Ms.Maria Demetriou, Home Economics Teacher, Master in Applied Nutrition and Excercise who participated in Erasmus+ Project TRADITIONAL FOOD. We are interested in joining this project because we think that the world is changing, students have lost their sense of belonging and they have no role models. They are rightly passive receivers and they have a low self-esteem. Through this project the students are motivated and are offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with other students coming from different countries. Having a Health hero as a role model, this means that their whole idea regarding nutrition will change. The pupils will have the opportunity to learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle. They will also use their creativity to promote healthy eating.
The Civitella-Torricella Institute is in CIVITELLA DEL TRONTO - TERAMO in ABRUZZO in the centre of Italy, less than 200 km from Rome. Our schools are located in five distinct territorial realities, with diversified environmental and cultural characteristics, although they are all included in the “Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga” National Park. We are also lucky of being close to the Adriatic Sea. Our Institute includes preschools, primary and secondary schools and our students are from 3 to 14. There are 580 pupils with different social and economic backgrounds. The last years we have been working on several European Union Granted Projects via the regional authority and the Ministry of Education like Ambienti Digitali, Atelier Creativi These projects concerned how to build one’s self-esteem and self-confidence; the diversity acceptance and enhancement; the healthy food and lifestyle and sport; the bullying prevention; the English language improvement; the environmental exploration and protection. We have been trying to update our teaching methods and strategies as to increase our students enthusiasm, curiosity and motivation.This is our first experience in participating at an Erasmus+ program and we have never been involved in an eTwinning project. We are really interested in participating at this Erasmus+ project because we wish that our students can leave their microcosm, get in touch with different habits, traditions, ways of life, and start thinking as a European citizen. In addition we are sure that this esperience would represent a great chance of personal development. Our school partneship aims are to offer all the participants an important occasion of coming out from one’s shell and opening their minds while comparating one’s lifestyle with those of our European partners; make our students aware they are able of communicating in many different creative ways; stimulate our student’s motivation to learn and cooperate; strenghten our students’ self-esteem;appreciate the diversity; the town community in our students’ growth process; improve the English language knowledge and ICT competence of all the participants.
State primary and elementary school named Circell is in a village near Barcelona in Spain. We are a little school in a rural area. We have 245 students from 3 to 12 years old and 19 teachers. We work through CLIL methodology in PE and art crafts, and we used the English to workshops about theatre and ICT. Last year we started a program of innovation in Spain about multilingualism. During the past three years, teachers have been retiring and as a consequence new teachers with a bit of experience are working in our school and they have expressed the desire for training and innovate with new methodologies around Europe.Between 2016-17 academic years we started a new innovative project related to multilingualism called Experimental Group of Multilingualism promoted by the Education Department of Catalonia. We are in the second year of this training. We introduce the subject of English for 3- year-olds, reinforcing it with activities such as workshops, drama, art, and outdoor activities in English. We have a radio programme and an English corner where pupils can find a lot of different information and activities. Currently we are doing arts and crafts and PE in English. We do several sessions with 5- 6 graders. Also we do drama workshop in English with 5- 6 grades. We have been engaged in different e-Twinning projects for a long time. With Erasmus+ participation we can strengthen and consolidate our project of civic values, exchanging knowledge with European countries. Moreover, due to the project engagement pupils can increase the linguistic skills and the intercultural competence . We would like to present the good points of team work in the educational field. Also we would like to work on the virtues as a way to speak with our students like a way to motivate themselves and their self-esteem. The Erasmus+ group consists of a logistic management, two coordinators of the webpage, and one of activities, an economic management, a deadline coordinator and a general coordinator.
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