Project Erasmus + Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Why this project?

While observing the present world we can notice a lot of danger for the young’s development. According to us the main reasons for the situation is a great dynamic in the changing world, mixed up values, and also bad conditions of living and work. In the times of total destruction of the idea of authority, a hero has gained a pejorative meaning. A hero is often someone on the opposite side. Therefore, a real heroic behaviour is often understood as a sign of weakness and nothing to be proud of.The young without a hero lack a meaningful source of inspiration. Being influenced by bad advisors they lose their inner power and creativity. At present students hardly ever find their heroes. That is why we have created our partnership to challenge the problem and change our schools. Due to the project I am my life hero we want to make our pupils notice how important it is to take good choices, find the strength and motivation to fight their weakness, ask for help and offer it to those who are in the lower position. Let the word hero be filled with better meaning and inspire students to change their lifestyles. During the project actions we intend to raise the students', relatives' and communities' awareness of good lifestyle, which will lead to self development. We'd like to offer activities which develop a positive identification as a hero and various learning styles and show everyone how the cooperation is valuable and important in life.Having analysed the school surveys about weak points, we noticed a common problem. What we want to solve is a weak activeness in the school field and a low level of motivation.Pupils are rather passive receivers who have to accomplish tasks. No school is able to work well without students' involvement. We would like our students to become creative and responsible for what happens at school and show them that their interests are crucial. An active student knows values and notices the importance of gaining the knowledge. Active cooperation and undertaking tasks in our cross border cooperation will let all be inspired and and develop good means of education. We have planned similar events which are to be held at the partners' schools. Due to our common actions, we will be able to make our partner schools a united European area of education where we compare, exchange, support and broaden teaching methods.These events are called Weeks.They focus on specific subjects chosen according to the partner schools’ curricula. We want to share with each other during the Weeks of National Hero, transnational visits named Health Hero in Cyprus, Sports Hero in Italy, Team Hero in Spain and the final Smart Hero in Poland. We are willing to promote students' achievements in the local, national and European communities to act individually, locally and achieve global awareness via ICT and English. We hope motivation will rise not only towards the subjects but also to undertake responsibility for the future life.

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